VW R32 - Winter clean up with einszett
My very own R32 Winter Prep (with einszett) I guess this is about the only time I will be able to do my car, when its snowing out. No clay or paint correction needed at this point, however I will do some paint correction after the winter. It will need 2 steps. My major concern was to clean off the salt and protect the car. What was done - Exterior - Wheels were prepped with P21S Wheel Gel and cleaned up with various brushes - Tires were spritzed down with P21S Total Autowash and washed down - Washed with ONR - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Dried - Quick Polish for einszett Paint - Wheels protected with einszett Spray Wax - Protected with einszett Glanz - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned Interior Detail - All interior surfaces cleaned and protected, including glass, and all vinyl/plastic surfaces. (einszett Cockpit) - Carpets and upholstery vacuumed. Products used: Exterior Optimum ONR P21S Wheel Cleaner Gel P21S Total Autowash Lusso Glass Polish einszett Paint einszett Glanz einszett Spray Wax Optimum Opti-Seal einszett Vinyl Rubber Care and Protectant Interior einszett Cockpit Hardware: Porter Cable 7424XP with Uber Green and Uber Black Pads Uber Microfiber Towels Brushes Applicators Interior cleaned up