Audi Q5 Rehab
Subject: Audi Q5 Requirements - customer picked up this pre owned car after losing their car during Hurricane Sandy. Needed to be rehab and refreshed to like new conditions for the new owner. Exterior - Wheels were prepped with Sonax Wheel Cleaner and cleaned up with various brushes - Tires were spritzed down with Adam’s All Purpose Cleaner and washed down - Wheel wells were cleaned up - Washed with 1Z einszett W99 - Auto Finesse Iron Out - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Nano Scrub AutoScrub - Dried - Tires dressed - Masking - Paint Measurement - Compound - Menzerna FG400 - Final Polish - Sonax 3/6 Nano Polish - Last step - Lusso Oro - Inspection with Fenix, 3m Sun Gun, Infratech, and natural sunlight - Wheel wells were cleaned and dressed - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned - Windows were auto scrubed, cleaned, and sealed Engine Detail - Cleaned - Dressed Interior - Vac - Clean and protect dash - Clean and protect leather - Clean glass Products used Links to products used - 1Z einszett W99 Auto Finesse Iron Out Auto Finesse Oblitarate Adam's All Purpose Cleaner Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner NanoSkin AutoScrub System Menzerna FG400 Sonax Nano Polish 3/6 Collinite 845 Insulator Wax Adam's Super VRT Optimum Metal Polish Engine Adam's All Purpose Cleaner Adam's Trim and Lug Brush Adam's In and Out Spray Interior 1z einszett Plastic Deep Cleaner 1z einszett Cockpit Leather Master Strong Cleaner Leather Master Vital Conditioner Tools used Uber Wool Wash Mitt Uber No Name MF Towels Griot's 6 inch Random Orbital Polisher Griot's 3 inch Random Orbital Polisher Rupes BigFoot LHR 21ES Random Orbital Polisher Uber Buffing Pads Defelsko Paint Meter Fenix TK35 Brinkmann Kranzle Pressure Washer Cam Spray Foam Canon 2 Grit Guard Buckets with Caddies Adam's Firehose Nozzle Metro Air Force Blaster Interior before
Cleaning up the interior Vac
Leather Cleaned
Leather Conditioned
Vents were dusted
1Z einszett plastic deep cleaner used on the plastics and vinyl as well as Cockpit
Headliner was cleaned up with 1Z einszett Plastic Deep Cleaner
After shots
Exterior Before
Exhaust tip before
Exhaust tip after Tires before
Wheels before
Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner was used on the wheels.
While the Sonax was setting up we hit the tires and wheel wells with APC
APC pulling off all the dirt and grime off the tires
All that dirt, grime, brake dust being getting pulled off the wheels, tires, wheel wells
Wheel woolies and ez detail brush were used on the wheels
We had to go back at the wheels to try to get more out of them, there was a lot of baked on brake dust, we actually tried Sonax FE and a clay bar did a decent job.
Then rinsed and hit them again.
Engine before - it's probably safe to say it has never been cleaned.
Used the Metro Air Force Blaster to blow out the leaves and debris from the engine bay
APC on the engine by was used to cut out the years of dirt and grime
After we let the APC do most of the work we agitated the dirt and grime with a boar's hair detailing brush
The Kranzle Pressure Washer was used to rinse down the engine bay
After shot of the engine bay
Auto Finesse Iron Out was used in the first part of the paint prep
Rinsed the Iron Out off the Q
After the Iron Out we foamed the car
Wash with a mitt
Final Rinse
Nano Skin Auto Scrub going to work
Here are shots of the defects and imperfections after the prep.
50/50 photos during the paint correction process
B pillars before
B pillars after
After shots (sorry was not able to get any outside after shots due to the weather)