Prepping a BMW 135 for sale with Auto Finesse preps a BMW 135i for sale with Auto Finesse. A good customer of ours that came to us 2 years ago to prep his car for Opti Coat as well as PPF installation. He has been coming back to maintain the car over the last 2 years. He decided that it was time to move on and sell his pride and joy. On this write up we felt it was a good time to highlight a lot of the Auto Finesse Products. Subject: BMW 135I - Alpine White Requirements: Prepare the car for sale Exterior - Wheels were prepped with Sonax Wheel Cleaner and cleaned up with various brushes - Tires were spritzed down with Auto Finesse Citrus - Wheel wells were cleaned up - Washed with Auto Finesse Lather - Decon with Auto Finesse Iron Out - Wash down and rinsed - Door jambs were cleaned up - Nano Scrub AutoScrub - Dried - Tires dressed - Masking - Paint Measurement - Paint Polish/Prep - Auto Finesse Tough Prep - Last step - Auto Finesse Power Seal - Inspection with Fenix, Brinkmann, and natural sunlight - Wheel wells were cleaned and dressed - Rubber and Plastics Treated - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed - Exhaust tips cleaned - Windows were auto scrubed, cleaned, and sealed Products used Links to products used - Auto Finesse Lather Auto Finesse Citrus Auto Finesse Iron Out Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner NanoSkin AutoScrub System Auto Finesse Tough Prep Auto Finesse Power Seal Adam's Super VRT Auto Finesse Crystal Glass Cleaner Auto Finesse Mercury Metal Polish Interior Auto Finesse Total Auto Finesse Spiritz Auto Finesse Hide Cleaner Auto Finesse Hide Conditioner Tools used Uber Wool Wash Mitt Uber No Name MF Towels Griot's 6 inch Random Orbital Polisher Rupes LHR75 Rupes BigFoot LHR 21ES Random Orbital Polisher Rupes BigFoot LHR 15ES Random Orbital Polisher Uber Buffing Pads Defelsko Paint Meter Fenix TK35 Brinkmann Kranzle Pressure Washer Uber Foam Canon 2 Grit Guard Buckets with Caddies Adam's Firehose Nozzle Metro Air Force Blaster Interior (quick interior shot not much here, wanted to highlight AF Spritz) Auto Finesse Spritz used on the steering wheel
50/50 split on the steering wheel
Prep - Decon/Wheels/Tires/Wheel Wells/Wash/NanoSkin Wheels were hit up with Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner - Tires were hit with Auto Finesse Citrus - of course brushing always required.
Auto Finesse Citrus used to loosen up all the dirt and grime
Auto Finesse Iron Out
Removing the grime out of the jamb (used a bit of Auto Finesse Tough Prep)
Auto Finesse Tough Prep
Power Seal applied
Dirt around the door handles taken care of with AF Tough Prep
Auto Finesse Finale used to do the final wipe down
After shots
If you're interested in this pristine BMW 135i let me know I will put you in touch with the owner. Enjoy!